Will Will Fulfill: Shakespeare’s Sonnets in Performance was a pet project that I wrote and produced, and which I performed for many years in front of audiences of all ages. First done in partnership with my friend David Sage, this successful one-woman program brought William Shakespeare alive in a new and innovative fashion that delighted and inspired everyone from theater-goers to college students. The blend of original narration and music with the Bard’s own words brought alive wit, humor, pathos, turmoil, betrayal, jealousy, hope, love, infatuation, and many other feelings and emotions.
The sonnets have been controversial ever since the death of William Shakespeare in regard to how seriously they might be taken. Were they an account of his life, or just an author’s fantasy, no more far-fetched than the hit film Shakespeare in Love? I presented 48 of Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets, also telling the stories behind the sonnets, offering further insight into these most resplendent literary works. Staging was by producer/director Merrill Harrington.
 Click on the photo above to see a video excerpt of Will Will Fulfill