Since the age of three, I have been on the stage singing or acting. There were Christmas plays, Thanksgiving plays, special programs for children, etc. Church programs and community programs. However, in the seventh and eighth grades, I did no performing at all. 
Then, when I entered High School, I signed up for A’Capella Choir. It was in my Junior year that I auditioned for the Junior Play and I discovered what Acting was really all about. We were fortunate to have an excellent “know how” director, and when playing the lead under her direction, I fell in love with the Theatre and the Art of Acting. Enough of my history. I would like to express a simple insight of how I feel about the Art of Acting. It is what Actors do – Act! I’ve never understood the phrase “Don’t act, just be real.” That, very simply, is the goal of acting. The wonderful challenge of acting is to make the character real and a believable person. Take the Art away and you are only left with acting “gimmicks.” I have always reached for the Art in Acting that breathes life into my characters. I love to Act.